His Excellency Archibishop Dr. Carlos Mario Neyre Abad Santa

Pubblicato da il 27 febbraio 2014

Udine (Italy) 27th February 2014

His Excellency Archibishop
Dr. Carlos Mario Neyre Abad Santa

Primate of the “Antigua y Apostolica Iglesia Catolica Ortodoxa de Lima y Perú” mercurysat.wix.com/iglesia recognized from the Patriarchate in the World of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem by His Holiness Patriarch Elijah in Jerusalem for His Holy Mission also through the precious work of evangelization as President of the University Of Silvaner Inc. in Lima and Panama www.silvaner.edu.pe.

According with the Mission of our Lord: He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

I bless you in the blood and name of Jesus Christ.

His Holiness Patriarch Elijah

Carlos Mario Neyre Abad Santa

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