The Golden Age of Women

Pubblicato da il 13 maggio 2014

the golden age of women

From a very early age, women instinctively know it is in their interest to be beautiful, so they begin to look after their figure, their hair, their skin and they start to use make-up, all of which of course produces immediate results. Men notice them and the women are satisfied because they feel that their beauty gives them power. But what kind of man will she attract in this way? Not a wise one, there is no doubt about that. These men will be sensual beings, hot-heads or even rogues who ask nothing more of a woman but that she should be delectable – so they can well and truly devour her – and decorous. However, women who work at acquiring inner beauty by developing their qualities and virtues will attract a different type of man, one who is intelligent, honest, generous, who will respect them and endeavour to give them what they need to grow and blossom.

Woman is the union of all the spirits who live in goodness, wisdom, in love, in the truth at the service of God. his center is not in some place of the earth near sure people but everywhere where spirits feel to belong to this immense divine and human family.

Take for example what a lot of women do: while they are young, they wear make-up, take care of their appearance, use perfume, wear eye shadow and learn to draw, to dance, play the piano and all the rest that is seductive to a man but only until marriage! Once married, my goodness, why go on doing those things? Once you’re married you are taken care of, that’s enough. And that’s why they grow fat and dull and abandon everything that made them charming and interesting, their finesse, their poetic quality. Why?

There is a women’s leadership movement afoot that needs to transition from underground grassroots to mainstream establishment. This isn’t about goodwill, preferences or representation. Mobilizing women into leadership positions is mandatory for sustainable economic growth, global competitiveness and innovation across all industries.

It’s time for women to dive-in, head-first and heart-strong. They must actively deploy their unique ability to see with wide-angle vision and sow opportunities with a passionate pursuit ‚Äìas do all great pioneers that change the status quo and build new bridges.

Women are ready to live with an entrepreneurial spirit and activate their ability to connect the dots of resources and relationships to create and sustain momentum. Women wired to naturally promote the spirit of giving and lead to leave a legacy will cultivate continuous impact and influence in the industries they serve.

In order to consistently deliver on the natural leadership skills that they possess, women must confidently convert today’s shallow waters into deep reservoirs of endless possibilities in business, government and the media. This is not just about having a voice; it’s about changing the conversation about what is required to enable growth, innovation and opportunity.

Very specifically, the teaching of the Master His Holiness Patriarch Elijah of Jerusalem (secular name Prof. Giuseppe Savazzi) invites us to participate in the realization of a new Golden Age of women on earth.

Throughout the world, innumerable women have found the path to inner fulfilment, thanks to his shining presence and to his teaching.

His Holiness Patriarch Elijah of Jerusalem
Secular name Prof. Giuseppe Savazzi

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